Friday 17 July 2009

Conclusion: The Fate of Humpty Dumpty

“Okay,” said Arnold The Fish, arriving at the prison. “Show me to Humpty Dumpty’s room.”

“Okay,” said the Warden.

They looked at the room.

“Yes,” said Arnold. “Yes indeed. It’s definitely a cell.”

“Quite,” the Warden agreed, unsure of Arnold’s detective prowess. “If you’d like to follow me…”

The Warden led Arnold and Chief Ruefoot to the exercise yard, and pointed at a wall.

“That’s Humpty’s wall, if you want to look at it. Maybe you’ll find a clue?”

“Hmm,” Arnold noted, “That egg sure does like walls. Weirdo.”

Arnold scoured the wall for secret buttons, hidden notes, and anything else he could think of… to no avail.

“Gosh darn it!” Arnold grumbled. “Nothing! Not a thing!”

“Wait a minute,” interjected Chief Ruefoot. “What’s that down there?”

They looked behind the wall, and lo and behold, there they found Humpty Dumpty, shattered into pieces!

“Oh no!” said the Warden. “He must simply have fallen off!”

“So he never escaped from prison after all!” exclaimed Ruefoot.

“So I’m perfectly safe! And so is Minnie!” added Arnold.

“And I’m fully recovered!” Ruefoot added.

“So everything has worked out well for everybody in the end!” said a cheery Arnold.

“Well,” said the Warden. “It didn’t end so well for Humpty…”

The three of them paused, and then broke into cheery laughter.

And they all lived happily ever after…

…until next time.

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