Friday 17 July 2009

Part 1: Worrisome News

Arnold The Fish received a phone call. It was from the Chief of Police, Ben Ruefoot.

“Oh hello, Chief Ruefoot,” said Arnold. “It’s nice to see you’ve recovered from that minor heart attack you had in the last serial.”

“Yes, well.” said Ruefoot uncomfortably. “Anyway. It seems that Humpty Dumpty has escaped from prison, so he’s probably wanting to kill you or something.”

Arnold thought about this for a moment.

“Hang on,” realised Arnold, “Why me? I didn’t put him in prison! I simply discovered his motive!”

“Oh I don’t know,” Ruefoot told Arnold. “I know plenty of people who also want to kill you, and you didn’t put any of them in prison either.”

“Hmph.” said Arnold.

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