Friday 17 July 2009

Part 2: The Drip on the Carpet

“So,” asked Arnold The Fish, “What can I do for you?”

“My dear detective,” explained Ida, “I fear for the safety of my husband! He is but a weak and foolish man, and he is involved in matters grossly beyond his capabilities!”

“I see,” said Arnold. “So what does that mean in English?”

Ida rolled her eyes. Arnold thought that this was a little unfair. After all, he wasn’t Shakespeare, and had no need for long sentences.

“It means, my dearest detective, that I believe the Mob are trying to kill him!” simplified Ida.

“The mob?!” exclaimed Arnold, who had a bad feeling about the way things were heading.

“But a brave, strong, Super-Detective such as yourself would surely have no qualms about taking on such an assignment that most mere men would simply tremble at?” said Ida in her most charming voice.

Upon seeing Arnold’s blank expression, she simply added: “You’ll take the case?”

Arnold groaned.

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