Friday 17 July 2009

Part 5: The Expert Opinion of Trevor The Pathologist

“Well?” asked Arnold The Fish.

“It’s a body!” exclaimed a stunned Trevor.

“Yes.” confirmed Arnold. “Anything else?”

“A DEAD body!” said a disbelieving Trevor.

“Indeed,” Arnold nodded in agreement. “Exactly as I thought.”

“But why are you showing me this?!” pleaded a bewildered Trevor.

“I merely wanted your expert opinion,” Arnold told him, “In order to back up my own expert knowledge and detective instincts.”

“But I just lay paving!” wailed Trevor. “I only said your driveway needed doing!”

Arnold stared at Trevor blankly.

“Well,” said Arnold. “It’s not for me to question those fine people in the medical profession.”

Trevor stared at Arnold blankly.

“Anyhow,” Arnold continued, “That will be all I need from you I think. Thanks for your time.”

Trevor ran away.

“What a nice chap.” commented Arnold.

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