Friday 17 July 2009

Reader Testamonials!

Here's a nice little list I've put together of a number of quotes in reaction to the adventures of Arnold The Fish...

"Oh. My. God. I think Arnold The Fish is my new idol."

"It's brilliant"
"It's almost so pointless-crazy that it's inspired..."
"It really was fantastic... Well plotted, good jokes, and very nice episode titles to boot. And the final lines made me chuckle too."
"I like how Arnold solves a variety of mysteries. Most detectives it's just murder murder murder..."
"...Artistic masterpiece."
"Arnold gets more epic by the episode!"
"More brilliance! The spoofery of hard boiled detective tales works nicely."
"...Entirely pointless yet cool."
"I love the utter randomness of Arnold."
"Classic humour."
"...Makes me giggle the most."
"Lack of activity is almost synonymous with an episode of Arnold."
"...Just random bits of silliness."
"...The mental image of dale winton backflipping out of a window with a fish's body shall live with me forever."
"I like Arnold."
"lmfao! Lovely."

On the plotting...
"Very nicely written."

"It's TWIST-TASTIC! Even more so than 24 When It Was Good!"
"...So damn good I may steal the plot."
"A very neat twist indeed."
"Much cunningness!"
"...Always a twist in the tale!"
"Oh, the mysterious mysteries!"
"Repetitive, yet intriguing"
"Very well executed!"
"Fantasmic twist!"
"Best. Idea. Ever."
"What a conclusion!"

On the character of Arnold...
"I love the implication that Arnold doesn't really do any investigating."

"Poor Arnold and his lack of ideas."
"I think Arnold should in fact be Orange. He should also have sequins!"
"I like Arnold's daydreaming-on-the-case style."
"He's certainly consistent with the uselessness of his detecting actions."
"I do like... how Arnold can never, ever get anything right until every other possible, incorrect permutation has been explored to some amusingly futile conclusion."
"...Pathetically mad."
"I love Arnold's total lack of tact"
"Ah Arnold, what a silly silly fishy he is!"

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