Friday 17 July 2009

Part 11: The Parrot, The Plan, and Some Graphic Violence

"So you were in it together!" exclaimed Arnold The Fish.
"That's right," confirmed the bright green parrot. "We decided that I would imitate the
tick-tock sound so as to lure you away from the real watch, which was safe with Bill here."

The parrot nodded towards the beetle before continuing.

"Then when you left this room, I would quickly fly through the window, around the ship,
and into the other room. At the same time, Bill would tunnel through the decking into the
room you'd just left!"

"So it wasn't a space-time anomaly at all then" said Arnold, relieved but also slightly
"No" confirmed the parrot. "But we'd hoped to keep you confused until we reached shore
and could make our escape."
"Fiendishly clever" said Arnold.
"We thought so," said the parrot. "Sadly you scuppered our timing somewhat when you
split up."

Bill the Beetle spoke up. He wasn't happy.

"Yeah, and we'd have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling-"

His grumbling was suddenly cut short, as was his life, when Captain Spanner brought his
booted foot down upon him with great force. There was a loud crunch, and Bill became a
sticky mess on the floor.

"Damn beetle stole my watch!" said Captain Spanner.

Arnold fainted at the horror he'd just witnessed.

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