Friday 17 July 2009

Part 4: One Night At Nelson's

Arnold The Fish was at Nelson’s Nightclub, looking for Jerry the Bartender, who could hopefully help him look for Ida’s husband, Frank.

“Hello,” said Arnold, approaching one man. “Are you Jerry the Bartender?”

The man replied that he wasn’t.

“Hello,” Arnold asked another man, “Are you Jerry the Bartender?”

This man also responded negatively.

Arnold began to think that this was going to be more difficult than he’d originally thought.

“Perhaps you should try asking the bartender,” suggested the second man. “You know, what with him actually being a bartender and everything.”

Arnold thought that this was a good idea, and approached the bar.

“Hello,” Arnold said, “Are you Jerry the Bartender?”

“I am indeed.” confirmed Jerry the Bartender.

“Brilliant!” said Arnold.

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