Friday 17 July 2009

Part 5: Being Frank

“I’m looking for a man named Frank.” said Arnold The Fish.

“What’s that to me?” asked Jerry the Bartender. “My name’s Jerry.”

“I believe you know where Frank is?” enquired Arnold.

“No.” stated Jerry. “And even if I did, why should I tell you?”

Arnold paused for a moment’s thought. It seemed that a cunning plan was required.

“Hello,” said Arnold. “I am Frank. Can you tell me where I am hiding please? I seem to have forgotten.”

Jerry the Bartender stared at Arnold as though he was some kind of madman. Arnold didn’t appreciate this, but thought it best not to break character right at this moment.

“What are you talking about?” asked Jerry the Bartender.

“Can you please tell me where I am hiding out?” repeated Arnold.

“Don’t be silly,” laughed Jerry, “You’re not Frank!”

“Yes I am!” insisted Arnold.

“No you’re not!” insisted Jerry the Bartender.

“How do you know that?!” Arnold persisted.

“Because Frank’s upstairs!” argued Jerry. “Oops!”

“Aha!” said Arnold, who was not at all surprised that his plan had worked. Arnold felt he probably deserved an Oscar for his performance as Frank.

But first, he headed upstairs to meet the REAL Frank…

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