Friday 17 July 2009

Part 8: Alleyway Encounters

Arnold The Fish was on his way home from Nelson’s Nightclub, having left Ben Ruefoot and the Police to clear up Frank’s body and investigate the crime scene.

As he walked down an alleyway, he found that his way was blocked by a large penguin!

“Hello,” said Arnold, “Would you mind if I just squeezed past?”

When the penguin didn’t move, Arnold turned to return the way he had come… only to discover that this was now blocked by another large penguin!

“Ah,” said Arnold, his powers of deduction kicking in. “This is some kind of hostile thingummy, isn’t it?”

“You guessed it, Fish.” said a much smaller penguin, stepping from the shadows. “You gonna hand it over right now? Or shall I set the boys on you?”

Arnold pondered this proposition. After careful consideration, he gave his answer.

“Eh?” said Arnold.

“So,” said the small penguin. “You’re gonna play stupid with Icy Joe, huh?”

“Who’s Icy Joe?” Arnold asked.

“I am!” exclaimed the small penguin known as Icy Joe. “And I’ll take that as a yes. Right then. Boys?”

The two large penguins took hold of Arnold. Arnold really didn’t like the way this was going.

“Okay then Fish,” said Icy Joe, “You’re coming with us. The Snowman wants a word with you…”

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