Friday 17 July 2009

Part 9: On Thin Ice

Arnold The Fish looked around, but couldn’t see anything.

Suddenly, his blindfold was removed.

Arnold thought that it was certainly a lot easier to see now. He appeared to be in a great big warehouse of some kind.

“He’s here boss!” said the small penguin known as Icy Joe.

Arnold looked at the ‘boss’ in question. He was the biggest snowman Arnold had ever seen! Ever! He was really really big! Like a house!

“Like a house!” exclaimed Arnold. He chose to ignore the puzzled expressions that followed.

“Anyway,” said the incredibly large snowman, “I am The Snowman. You have heard of me?”

Arnold thought for a moment.

“Did you do that song with that choirboy?” Arnold asked.

“No.” replied The Snowman.

“Oh. Then no.” said Arnold.

“I run the Mob in this city. I am incredibly powerful, and I want to know why you are interfering in my business.”

Arnold realised that he was in an incredibly dangerous situation, and that his every word needed to be carefully considered if he was to escape with his life.

“Eh?” asked Arnold.

“Hand over the Ice Diamond.” ordered The Snowman.

“The what?” asked Arnold.

“ENOUGH!” shouted The Snowman.

Arnold winced.

“Enough of your games, Fish!” The Snowman continued. “Joe, get the diamond!”

The two large penguins held Arnold, while Icy Joe reached into Arnold’s pocket… and pulled out a large shiny diamond!

“Ulp!” said Arnold.

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