Friday 17 July 2009

Part 10: Iceholes and Revelations

Arnold The Fish found himself suspended above a hole of icy water. As a fish, Arnold didn’t really have a problem with water. But it was very cold, and besides which it would certainly ruin his clothes.

Arnold was dunked into the water, and then brought up above it again.

“By,” said Arnold, “That wasn’t half cold!”

“We went to a lot of trouble, stealing this Ice Diamond from the museum!” said The Snowman.

Arnold’s Exposition-Sense was tingling. Or maybe it was the cold.

“And then,” continued The Snowman, “That thief Frank went and stole it from US!”

Nope, it was definitely the Exposition-Sense.

“And then,” continued The Snowman, “And then YOU got involved, killed Frank, and took our stolen stolen diamond for yourself!”

“That’s not true!” protested Arnold. “I’ve never seen that thing before in my life!”

Arnold was dunked again.

“Hang on,” said Arnold upon resurfacing. “I thought you lot had killed Frank?”

“What?” asked The Snowman.

Just then, Icy Joe ran back into the room, brandishing the diamond.

“Boss! Boss!” he shouted. “It’s a fake! The analysis just got finished, and the diamond is a fake!”

“What?!?” asked an angry Snowman. “A fake!?!”

The Snowman turned to Arnold.

“Who hired you to steal the diamond?” he asked Arnold.

“Nobody!” said Arnold. “Just his wife asked me to find out where Frank was!”

“Frank wasn’t married!” stated The Snowman, who was very angry by this point. “Joe, cut this Fish down. Fish, you go home. Walk away, and forget any of this ever happened, okay?”

Arnold thought that this seemed fair enough.

“Ida…” The Snowman growled.

Arnold thought it was odd that a snowman would growl, but decided he’d be much better off going home and forgetting about the whole thing.

“What an icehole.” said Icy Joe, as Arnold left.

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